Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." - Isaac Asimov

There are a great many things that annoy me and while I wait to find my next inspiration for an actual blog in which I will state my opinion and explicate it with wonderful quotes and examples, I offer you this list of annoyances for entertainment whilst you wait.

Annoyance Number 1:

The word is espresso, not expresso. I have heard the most intelligent, educated and brilliant people mess that one up. Where in the word do you see the letter "x?"

Annoyance Number 2:

Patricia Arquette stars in the television show, "Medium" on CBS. Originally it aired on NBC. You would think that at some point, someone from one network or the other, or just about anyone she works with would have told her, "Patricia it is said DistricT Attorney, not DistriC Attorney." Really? Aren't there people paid to handle that kind of stuff?

Annoyance Number 3:

Ever notice that in commercials, hawking any number of items from cable packages to dish soap, the super cute wife is almost inevitably paired with an oafish, more than semi-stupid husband? Does this double standard not annoy anyone else, or is it just me?

Annoyance Number 4:

When did the practice of weekend long bachelor/bachelorette parties become the excepted norm? I suppose this ties in with my Gimme Nation idea (see previous blog entitled, "Money, that's what I want"). It is no longer good enough to go out for a night on the town or to the spa to celebrate your last days as a "free" man or lady. It must be BIGGER and BETTER. You must go to Vegas, on a cruise, or something just as tantamount, getting tanked and draining your bank account all the while chipping in here and there on things for the celebrated person. It seems selfish and I am hard pressed to give in to this new practice of weekend long debauchery. Not only does it cost someone's time but also it is money, and honestly it is a little self-centered. We get it! You are getting married. Let's also not forget that you are most likely asking people to attend your shindig that have already dropped a good chunk of change on you already. I realize this is a big, life-changing deal (to get married) and I am all for the celebration of it, BUT one must be reasonable and thoughtful as well. It is a life-changing event for you and the person you are marrying, everyone else is just along for the ride.

Annoyance Number 5:

Unnecessary shorthand. Unless you are typing something in a text message (and even then it can bother me), why do people feel the need to use shorthand like "u r," "thx," "luv," etc.? It is a fairly annoying practice and I think it makes people look ignorant and 13 years old.

Annoyance Number 6:

Unless you are a grunge band in the 90s, no one should take a fishbowl photo of you. Ever. They look dumb. You are not Nirvana or the Gin Blossoms, so please stop.

Annoyance Number 7:

When people state, "It's like déjà vu all over again!" Let's look up the definition of déjà vu, shall we? Déjà vu: noun; the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time. Talk about a redundant statement!

Annoyance Number 8:

Why is it so quickly assumed that if a handsome, good looking celebrity (usually male) is not attached or married by a certain age he must be gay or damaged? It is sad that the first assumption is not, he is waiting for the right person or he is respectful, but one of, he must be weird because he isn't publicly and gratuitously banging every hot lady.

Annoyance Number 9:

Ok, here is a big one so pay attention. It is the most frustrating when I send an email, more specifically something resembling and invitation or containing where and when type information, and the person on the receiving end acknowledges that they received it but then they do not read it. Or they do not read it with enough attention to remember what it said. This could also apply to snail mail messages as well. A few days later I am fielding questions about where and when something is going to take place when I took the time to type it up in the first place. It is the most inconsiderate gesture. Very much like saying, "Yea, I saw that you sent that but I do not give a f*ck about reading it. I had more important things going on." If you lost something, fine, but when I send it to your email are you really that lazy that you'd rather ask me than look it up and be an informed friend?

Annoyance Number 10:

How hard is it to spell my name, or anyone's name correctly? People are so very lazy! I have had people misspell my name (last name) on my own Facebook page. Isn't my name right there in freaking black and white? How hard is it to lift your gaze to the top left hand side of the page? Seriously? And, if you aren't on Facebook where it is right in your face, there are so many almost instant ways to check the spelling of someone's name these days, that there really is no excuse. Take the time to show you care and spell someone's name right.

Annoyance Number 11:

ERIN is a girl’s name. AARON is a boy’s name. Come on Starbucks people! Who taught you gender name spelling?

Annoyance Number 12:

Peanut butter and ketchup do not belong in the fridge. Have you ever tried spreading cold peanut butter? It is a pain in the ass. Plus, if you are like me, peanut butter is never around long enough for the oil in it to spoil anyway. And cold ketchup just makes your fries cold. Major dislike. They both belong in the pantry. Enough said.


  1. Oh I hate the unnecessary short hand! It's the worst. I dig the quote you used to title this post. Very funny.

  2. I am similarly angered by the ketchup in the fridge too! Whyyy would you ever want cold ketchup? Everything I eat ketchup on is warm and I want to keep it that way.
